Francesco Zorzi is a multidisciplinary artist based in Amsterdam working with a wide variety of mediums, informed by his background in design, his love for the world of Color and his fascinations into the mechanics of vision, perception and interpretation of reality.
His works are united by the quest for the qualities of what makes us ‘human’, reflecting on how we interact with what’s in front of our eyes, how we make sense of it and how we explore the inner-worlds we create with it.
His explorations - whether dissecting Colors or Shapes - can be seen as an ongoing study on the structure of their inner components and the interaction between each other.
These abstract configurations are like fragments of a kaleidoscope in perpetual movement without a beginning or an end, offering the viewers a moment of reflection, new playgrounds for exploration and wonder.
His works are united by the quest for the qualities of what makes us ‘human’, reflecting on how we interact with what’s in front of our eyes, how we make sense of it and how we explore the inner-worlds we create with it.
His explorations - whether dissecting Colors or Shapes - can be seen as an ongoing study on the structure of their inner components and the interaction between each other.
These abstract configurations are like fragments of a kaleidoscope in perpetual movement without a beginning or an end, offering the viewers a moment of reflection, new playgrounds for exploration and wonder.
His visually ambiguous wax-crayons works, are an investigation on Color in itself: its visual perception as well as the duality of Color as both lightwave and matter. Each artwork is the result of a complex layering of various wax-crayons sticks of different tones, applied next to and on top of each other, creating an ever evolving, ever pulsating flux of constant dynamic movement.
The appearance of their colors and the structure of their wax influence directly the ways they interact and ‘talk’ with each other, mutually attracting or repelling one another.
The appearance of their colors and the structure of their wax influence directly the ways they interact and ‘talk’ with each other, mutually attracting or repelling one another.
They can create harmony or tension. Sometimes they blend and dance together at different speed, in an homogenous flow or in multiple streams and directions.
These brightly-hued abstract artworks are as much about color as they are of about emotions altogether: on one side they explore the phenomenological impact color has on human perception (seen from the point of view of the viewer being in front of the artworks); on the other they interact with the ineffable emotions and sensations guiding the process of mixing the crayons (seen from the point of view of the artist producing the artworks).
The colors of each artwork are immersive, physical and tactile, just like the process of its creation:
Ethereal and vibrating but also palpable and present at once.
The colors of each artwork are immersive, physical and tactile, just like the process of its creation:
Ethereal and vibrating but also palpable and present at once.
Grants & Support:
Grant / Embassy & Consulate General of the
Kingdom of the Netherlands in Italy (NL)
‘Macula - The Theater is in The Mind’
‘Macula - Il Teatro è nella Mente’
Short Film
Support / Rosco (UK) - Material partner for installation specific installation:
‘Phantom Grid’ at ∆x Displacement Cinquemostre 2019
AAR - American Academy in Rome (IT)
Support / Cernit (BE) - Material partner for the installation, site specific:
‘Macula / The Theater is in The Mind’,
AAR - American Academy in Rome (IT)
AAR - American Academy in Rome,
Tiffany & Co. Fellowship, Rome (IT)
2016W&T - Walk & Talk Azores
Public Art, Ponta Delgada, Azores (PT)
If You Asked Me About A Flower
What Would I Say
FZ Atelier, Amsterdam (NL)
Macula - The Theater is in The Mind
AAR - American Academy in Rome, Rome (IT)
Macula, New Grammar
Art City NDSM, Amsterdam (NL)
Group Exhibitions:
2021Reflections & Frames
Sound Light Color Atelier, Amsterdam (NL)
Mosaic - Lonesome Confetti
Contemporary Art Biennial,
Le Latitudini dell’Arte, Netherlands & Italy
Pulchri Studio, The Hague (NL)
Fluxes - Public Art (painting & live painting performance)
NDSM Open 2019, Art City NDSM, Amsterdam (NL)
Macula - The Theater is in The Mind / Open Studios 2019
AAR - American Academy in Rome (IT)
∆x Displacement - Cinquemostre 2019
AAR - American Academy in Rome (IT)
New Grammar - Painting & live painting performance
NDSM Open 2017, Art City NDSM, Amsterdam (NL)
Trilha (Trail) - Public Art (painting & installations)
Walk&Talk Azores, Ponta Delgada, Azores (PT)
Work in Public Space:
Fluxes - Painting, site specific
Art City NDSM, Amsterdam (NL)
*commissioned by: Art City NDSM
Lagoon (L’Argo) - Painting , site specific
Perestrello, Municipio V, Rome (IT)
*commissioned by: Embassy and Consulate
General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
in Italy (NL)
Trilha (Trail) - Painting & installation, site specific
Art City NDSM, Amsterdam (NL)
Live Painting Performance:
2021Painting Flashes - Milieu
Milieu + De Ceuvel, Amsterdam (NL)
Painting Fluxes - NDSM Open 2019
Art City NDSM, Amsterdam (NL)
*commissioned by: Art City NDSM
Painting Lagoon (L’Argo)
Perestrello, Municipio V, Rome (IT)
* coimmissioned by: Embassy and Consulate
General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Italy (NL)
Painting New Grammar - NDSM Open 2017
Art City NDSM, Amsterdam (NL)
*commissioned by: Art City NDSM
Film Screenings:
Macula - The Theater is in The Mind
Macula - Il Teatro è nella Mente
LFF19 - Lago Film Fest, Treviso (IT)
nominated: Best Original Soundtrack Award
nominated: Veneto Director Award
Artist Book - self published:
2019Macula - The Theater is in The Mind
Edition of 50
presented at LFF19- Lago Film Fest, Treviso (IT)
Press & Work Presentations:
Artribune - Cinquemostre 2019 Δx Displacement - Cinquemostre 2019 Δx Displacement - AAR Open Studios 2019
AAR magazine 2019 - American Academy in Rome 2019
LFF19 - Macula - The Theater is in The Mind
interview: Mattia Coletti
L’Argo - Public Art Installation / with Orizzontale Architects
NDSM press 2019 - NDSM Open 2019
Studio Viewing - Francesco Zorzi
interview: Greta Madline,
photography: Coco Olakunle
2019LFF19 - Director’s Talks
Macula - The Theater is in The Mind,
Macula - Il Teatro è nella Mente
interview by Matteo Zadra
AAR - American Academy in Rome,
Shoptalk Francesco Zorzi & Victoria Moses
Macula - The Theater is in The Mind
Pecha Kucha Amsterdam (NL) - The Macula Project
Fabrica (IT) - The Thermal Paper Project
Walk&Talk Azores (PT) - Quarteirão & Public Art